B2C acquisition – Fintech

How we grew their waiting list from 0 to 3000 users in less than 60 days

Instead of doing direct install ads, we created an education-based community for this fintech, and helped them grow their waitiling list all while being profitable

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Email Marketing



Project Timeline

2020 - 2021

Increased in ROI revenue

How we grew their waiting list from 0 to 3000 users in less than 60 days

Case Study: Yieldy - Engaging Gen Z with an Investment Super App

How we grew their waiting list from 0 to 3000 users in less than 60 days


Yieldy, an innovative investment super app tailored for Gen Z, found itself at a crucial juncture even before its official launch. With angel investors backing its vision, the challenge was not just to market the app but to ensure it attracted active, engaged users. The app's success was measured by usage intensity — not just in downloads but in how much time users spent interacting with its features. Positioned uniquely with a private waiting list before its public release, Yieldy aimed to captivate and cultivate a dedicated user base keen on making the most of their investment journey.

Project Execution

Our Approach

In a landscape saturated with apps vying for attention, the traditional route of app install campaigns was set aside for a more nuanced strategy. Our approach was twofold, designed to engage users deeply and convert their interest into active participation:

  • Low Ticket Academy Product: We innovated by designing an academy program that not only introduced users to the world of investing but also educated them on maximizing their experience with Yieldy. This low-cost educational offering was crafted to attract users who were genuinely interested in learning about investment strategies, thereby ensuring they were the right fit for the app.
  • Break-Even Marketing Funnel: The academy wasn’t just an educational tool; it was strategically priced to make the marketing funnel self-sustaining. By charging a nominal fee for the academy, we effectively created a source of revenue that financed the funnel. This ingenious approach resulted in directing a stream of motivated, informed users to the Yieldy waiting list without incurring net marketing costs.


The Outcome

The implementation of this creative marketing funnel brought remarkable success to Yieldy:

  • User Growth: Within a span of less than 60 days, we successfully scaled the private beta to 3,000 users. This was not just a number; it represented a cohort of engaged, informed potential investors who saw value in Yieldy even before its official launch.
  • Profitable Acquisition: The low ticket academy program not only fueled interest and educated users but also ensured that the acquisition strategy was profitable. This financial efficiency meant that every new user added to the waiting list and eventually to the app contributed to a sustainable growth model.

Yieldy’s pre-launch strategy exemplifies how thinking outside the traditional marketing playbook can yield (no pun intended) significant dividends. By focusing on engaging and educating potential users, Yieldy built a foundation of enthusiastic early adopters. This case study

highlights the power of innovative marketing strategies in not just attracting users but cultivating a community of active, informed participants eager to embark on their investment journeys with Yieldy.

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